Saturday, November 13, 2010
Dear Barb and Jerry,I am writing this for the parents of Emilie.I know how it feels to have lose a child,it hurts and it feels like you have a hole in your heart that may never be repaired.I must say that it does get better with time,but it gets better knowing that your child is in Heaven where they belong at this time.It could have been so much worst for them if they had not been chosen by God right now.Please know that God will be there with you in your time of loss.I know that doesn't help now,but if you think about how others could have been with them or how they could have been involved in an accident with other loved ones,then maybe that helps to know.This is how I looked at my son's situation,I know he is up there in Heaven watching over his kids.I know Emilie is also up there just praising God.I hope I am making sense,I love you both and feel so close to you now and I am here if you ever need to talk.I can be reached at home or my email, and My number is 859-356-7479.