Funeral Planning![](/2202/Ultra/Gathering_of_Friends_Memorial_Service_Cremation_notext.jpg?rand=1644.9780167418783)
This section contains useful information about what to do when death occurs, funeral etiquette and frequently asked questions.
Grief Resources![](/2203/Ultra/Holding_Hands.jpg?rand=7101.73951530135)
The death of someone we care about can be one of the most difficult experiences of life. Words seem inadequate to describe how painful the grief we feel can be. It is often much more challenging than we expect and than others seem to think.
Legal Advice![](/2204/Ultra/Pre_planning__no_text.jpg?rand=7937.631396828455)
To make sure there is still peace in the family, it is a good idea to let a lawyer figure things out. Before getting in touch with a lawyer there are several important documents that you need to gather.
Community Links
For your convenience we have compiled a list of local businesses such as hotels, flower shops, churches and more.
Honored to be entrusted with the care and satisfaction of families since 1906